Digitize your sales -

More efficient, simpler, more successful.

Download now | Increase effectiveness | Increase sales

Download the Vertriebskraftwerk app

Our mission:

Your sustainable success.

The aim is to bring the power of digitalization into your sales.

By digitizing sales data and workflows, we enable efficient structures, time savings and optimized sales results.

Your sales at peak performance: With our app, your point of sale and all customer interfaces are enabled to capture crucial customer data that previously remained undiscovered. By cleverly using this data, your sales department can increase its results by an average of 27%. Discover the economic advantages that this innovative solution offers!

Web app without installation: Available on mobile devices: Use our software simply as a web app, without the hassle of installing software. Our app is available in the iOS App Store when you're on the go. Maximum convenience for your flexible use.

Your satisfaction, our focus: Your satisfaction is our top priority. Together we develop customized interfaces to your existing IT infrastructure. Your requirements are what drives us.

Security for your customer data: Thanks to two-factor authentication, 256-bit encryption and strict password security standards. Data is stored exclusively in German data centers and processing is GDPR compliant

It's that easy.

How the app works.

Create checks quickly and easily.

Collect data efficiently, whether by creating your own forms, using our templates or having our team create a customized document. With just a few clicks, you can send requests by email or give your customers direct access via a link on their smartphone. Your focus is on creating checks quickly and easily.

Easy filling of information.

Your customers can open the form directly on their mobile devices or computers and enter all the required information easily and simply. From electronic signatures, recording meter readings, querying customer data to photo uploads of identification documents - all data can be recorded quickly.

Evaluation in seconds – no additional download required.

Receive an analysis of your customer responses in seconds.

Your customers don't need to download anything - they fill out the requests directly on their device and send you the necessary data back conveniently via upload. You are informed of receipt via email and your work processes can continue without delay.

Better sales results & improved consulting experience for customers.

Customer opinions about the app.

Improving consulting quality, efficiency and sales results

Increased sales revenue:

The use of the app resulted in a remarkable 38% increase in sales revenue, which significantly improved the effectiveness of sales strategies and processes.

Time saving:

A time saving of 27% was achieved because the efficient customer approach and advice through the app means that deals are often concluded during the first meeting, which was previously often only the case during the second or third appointment.

Customer advisory:

The app provides access to comprehensive customer data sets, which significantly increases the quality of advice. This allows a more personal and targeted approach to customer needs.

Sales-strong lists:

By using sales-driven selection lists, potential customers can be approached more effectively, which increases the success rate in customer acquisition and retention.

Unlimited forms

Unlimited form creation and receipt with our form flat rate starting with the premium package.


Unlimited user accounts: Apply for as many accounts as you like. Strict access control thanks to authorization assignments for clear data security.

Digital training platform

Location-independent digitization:

With our learning portal, we can train teams and corporations regardless of location, which guarantees a flexible onboarding solution


Success boost with our Masterclass. The Masterclass imparts the necessary knowledge (best practice) to

Overcome sales and service challenges:

Our innovative solution for your success!

Challenge at the point of sale: A wide range of tasks at the point of sale and staff shortages hinder sales activities. The existing software at the corporate level is often not optimized for sales and is not adapted due to the complexity of the data structure.

The result: sales results fall by the wayside. Your growth potential is not exploited.

Our solution: Vertriebskraftwerk closes this gap with the help of our innovative sales app. We help you to achieve and exceed your company goals more easily in the future.

How? Capture crucial sales information in everyday service – without additional effort through the seamless integration of our efficient form system.

Benefits: Maximum optimization of sales results, identification of previously undiscovered opportunities thanks to our intuitive dashboard. Creation of sales-strong selection lists at the touch of a button.

Revolution in everyday life: Digitization gives you deeper insights into future sales opportunities. Time savings mean more sales time for sustainable success!

Goal: Maximize sales potential. Find out how our sales app can transform your business!

Our secret: The use and implementation is so simple that every user can successfully implement it in minutes.

contact form

Sales Power Plant GmbH & Co. KG

Email: service[at]

Phone: 04131 - 666 666

(Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.)


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